HEYU Program overview

This program operates an X10 module via a CM11A computer interface. It is based on the program X10 by Larry Cambell as modified by Paul Fox. All but a few functions have been changed enough that they no longer interwork with the original. I think this justifies issuing the interim copy as 'heyu' instead of 'x10'.

The program name comes from the old joke about having a 3rd person in the house. The evidence of that is the frequently heard yells of "Heyu! Turn off the lights!" A poor joke, but I like it.

The program is strictly command line driven, and works well with crontab. Crontab can be used to schedule events until such time as I finish the code that loads the events into the CM11A.

The program comes complete with source code, sample config files, MAN pages an executable binary. The program has options to allow you to:

Some of the most important features have not been addressed yet. Mainly, the ability to schedule events. The people at X10 have informed me that there is no way to download (to the computer) the events stored in the CM11A. That being the case, I am writing programs that will load the events and macros from local data files. This will erase whatever has been stored there, but I guess that's the way it has to be.

This should compile on any Linux system. It should also compile on any other BSDish or SYSV system. Just edit the #define in the make file. Make install will try to install the man page and the program. The makefile has defines for these locations.

See the original README in Larry Campbell's program for some nice info on the cp290 and the history of the program. See the original for some really niffty uses once scheduling is integrated.

There are two demo programs included with heyu, monit and x10biff.

Daniel B. Suthers, CCP, CSP
E-mail: dbs@tanj.com

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